Thanks for stopping by! Below you’ll find links to some of my favorite podcasts, as well as a link to Mt. Olive’s weekly sermon podcast. I pray these resources will be a blessing to you!
God bless,
Pastor Z.
The Nonmicrowaved Truth
The Nonmicrowaved Truth with C.L. Whiteside. Highs & Lows is a great listen. If you like what you hear, subscribe and take a listen weekly.
Time of Grace with Pastor Mike Novotny
Listen to all of Pastor Mike’s weekly messages here!
Little Things Podcast with Amber Albee Swenson
Amber Albee Swenson will help you navigate through some of life’s challenges and struggles by using Scripture and her own experiences of being a mom, wife, speaker, teacher, and forgiven child of God . . . Because in God’s kingdom, the little things ARE the big things.
God’s Word In Our Lives
Each week the children’s devotion and sermon at Mt. Olive are combined to form the God’s Word In Our Lives podcast. You’ll find that below.