What We Believe
We believe that there is only one true God.
We believe that there is only one true God. We believe that he has made himself known as the Triune God, one God in three persons and that God has given us the full revelation of himself in his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus is that unique person in whom the true God and a true human nature are inseparably united in one.
We believe that Jesus Christ was sent by the Father to save all people from sin, Satan, and everlasting death.
He lived a perfect life and took upon himself the sins of the whole world.
Through his perfect life and innocent death, his righteousness is accepted by the Father as our righteousness and his death for sin as our death for sin.
We believe that his resurrection on Easter gives full assurance that God has accepted Jesus’ work of salvation in our behalf.
We believe that it is the Holy Spirit who brings the blessings of Christ’s work to people.
It is the Holy Spirit working through the God-given means of the Gospel in the Word and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion that forgiveness of sins is received, and that faith is given and strengthened.