Youth Days
Children are invited to participate in fellowship and service activities as part of our youth group. Our purpose is to grow in grace, service, and outreach while having fun with our Christian friends.
The Mt. Olive youth group exists to reach this generation of young people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. Our prayer is that their faith in Jesus as their Savior might be strengthened, and that they might be empowered to let that gospel light shine to all with whom they come in contact. We seek to not only inform our youth, but also help transform them to live lives as young Christians through the power of the Holy Spirit. We don’t want our youth to simply conform to their parents’ church. We want them to know this is their church too. We educate our youth in God’s Word, and we provide opportunities for both Christian service and to strengthen the valuable bonds of Christian friends and influences.
Youth and adult participants are always welcome. Specific schedule of opportunities is communicated as dates approach and are posted on the Events Calendar.