Soul Sisters
Mondays at 6:30pm /Tuesdays at 10:00am
Soul Sisters provides an opportunity for the women in our congregation (and friends) to meet in a smaller group setting. Groups meet twice monthly on Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings. The bible studies are focused on topics or books of the bible having particular interest to women.
All women of Mt. Olive (and friends!) are invited to attend our Soul Sisters women's Fall Bible study, Max Lucado's "Anxious for Nothing". This 5-session study will focus on Philippians 4:4-8 and the "peace that transcends all understanding" that helps us reframe how we look at our fears. Our fall Bible study will begin on September 30th/October 1st and will be held both Monday night starting at 6:30pm and Tuesday morning at 10am. Check the events calendar (link below) the specific dates and times.
So that we know how many books and study guides to order, please sign up for the Bible study at the link below. Contact the church office with questions.