
Wednesday Evenings (not held 1st Wednesday of each month)

Catechism classes run for two years at Mt. Olive are for early teens, typically during their 5th to 8th grade years. Students study God’s Word with the assistance of Luther’s Small Catechism and with some parental involvement.

After completion of this time in God’s Word, students desiring to become active “members” at Mt. Olive are “confirmed” in their faith. This simply means they have an opportunity to tell the congregation they’re no longer coming to be served by God’s Word through the ministry of Mt. Olive because their parents bring them. Instead, a “confirmed” child now tells the whole congregation, “I’ve studied God’s Word for myself. I believe what you believe! And I want to become a part of this ministry too.” .

Visit our events calendar for the current dates and times. Contact Pastor Zaferos at the link below to find out more.